There are many people who desperately want you to feel as though you are a tiny boat being tossed about on the turbulent seas of change, unable to affect your own destiny. Nothing could be further from the truth! This page offers a laundry list of the ways you can personally make a difference, take charge of your own path, and fight the globalist agenda!
Disturbed - The Vengeful One
Recognize that no one is coming to save you. Looking for a "leader" means that you have chosen to be a "follower". No one will swoop in and save the day and that expectation can easily be used to manipulate you. Taking the lazy approach by thinking that someone else will stand up for you is misguided and has helped create our current difficulties. You must kindle your inner fire and fight for you and your loved ones now, this very moment. You will be astounded at how many others will find their own courage when they see yours!
Remove yourself from electronic media, as much as possible. There is little or nothing of value on TV and the internet is replete with fear porn, lies, and mind-numbing pseudo-entertainment. Your emotions are manipulated by these media and your thoughts are dulled. Limit your screen time to a short period each day and some days detox by avoiding electronic media altogether. Seek out the best quality information on alternative media and always employ critical thinking to evaluate everything. It's amazing the relief you will feel when you realize that your thoughts and emotions begin to normalize and return to your control!
Make your voice heard! Send an email to your legislators, talk respectfully to your family, friends and neighbors. Engage with those who are willing to discuss issues that matter and drop little seeds of truth to others whenever you can. Be powerful and joyous, as you call out lies, hypocrisy, and injustices and others will join. Tyrants seek to shut down open discourse and your voice is the most powerful act of rebellion.
There is strength in numbers, but only when the numbers recognize their strength. Your force is magnified exponentially by collaborating with others of similar mind. The diseased weed of despotism thrives in an environment of crippled dependency and dies in the fertile soil of independent, self-empowered people.
One of the primary mechanisms of complete control of citizens is through digital surveillance. This can take the form of digital currencies, electronic identification documents (think passports, driver's licenses, health records, bank identifications, etc.), cell phones, smart home devices, public and private "security" cameras, and a laundry list of other hijacked technologies. Vote against all of these at the ballot box, with your choices, and with your wallet.
Eat a medically and evolutionary appropriate diet to strengthen your body, mind, and soul. Your teeth, digestive track, and internal physiology are designed to process a wide variety of healthy foods. Eat meat, fresh fruits and vegetables according your own tolerances and needs and avoid processed foods (Franken-foods). Maximize the proteins and micronutrients and minimize the carbohydrates and consider a supplement or two to fill in any potential gaps in your nutrition. And, unless you choose to consume them, leave the bugs for Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the other decadent sociopaths.
Continually educate yourself about important matters, rather than dulling your intellect by endless exposure to mass media and their versions of entertainment (aka. not-so-subliminal suggestion). Read books, especially literary classics and works that help you fortify yourself against life's passing storms. There is a wholesomeness and fulfillment from reading a physical book that cannot be emulated by an electronic screen and the neurological connection between body and brain obtained by turning actual pages in a book optimize your understanding and memory retention.
Have we learned yet that credentials and letters after a person's name are not assurances of the person's competence or honesty? Although it might be cumbersome at first, try reading scientific data yourself, rather than relying on others to interpret the information for you. Just like opinions differ on foods, movies, and music, you can't trust that someone else's explanation of a research report will be accurate. One of the laziest and most costly decisions you can make is to rely on others to think for you. As a society, we have done this for too long and are paying the price for this pervasive mistake now.
This one is multifaceted and intertwined, so do your best to accomplish as much of it as you can. Strive to produce your own foods, water, and energy. For food production, look into purchasing a plot of land (doesn't have to be huge to grow food). Consider where you can find plentiful water nearby. Typically this would come from a well or open water source, but can also include rain water and cisterns, etc. Look into solar, wind, hydro, and other energy sources available to you, especially those that are renewable. The best case scenario is to be completely detached from the municipal energy grid. This is far easier than you might imagine. Recognize that municipal water, power, and sewer are wonderful conveniences that can quickly be converted to a weapon to force compliance with government demands.
Unfortunately, schools have become less of an educational institution and more of a centralized indoctrination center for our children. Whether it is the sexualization of our kids or their being led into destructive ideologies, public (and many private) schools have become an enemy of the people. Save your children and become a part of the huge and ever growing homeschooling community. There are a vast number of online resources and parent support groups who can help guide you . Your children and society might well be saved by this decision.
Recognize potential privacy breaches in both the virtual and real world. Eschew technologies such as Google and their ilk and utilize replacements when online. Do not consent to the use of facial recognition, palm readers, fingerprint scans and other digital identification techniques at the bank, your grocery store, and other locations.
Doctors and other medical professionals are hired by you for paid consultations, based on their areas of expertise. As such, they are, in a sense, your employees and only you should make final decisions about any medical treatment of your body. No one knows your body as well as you and the opinion of your "primary care doctor" is really a second opinion. Your own insights are always primary.
Have at least 2 children in an intact family and encourage others to do the same. Be a strong spouse and parent and guard them with your life. Contrary to the widely disseminated propaganda from the Malthusian globalist cabal, the Earth is not facing a human overpopulation problem and children are not absurdly expensive to raise. It is the natural course of life to follow this path and healthy, well-raised children are a priceless gift to families and the world.
It is impossible to anticipate every future development. However, if you accumulate the requisite knowledge and basic materials, you will be able to operate from a base that allows for a wide range of adaptive, effective responses to any unpleasant surprises that the self-declared overlords may try to throw your way. Be confident that you and your inner circle will create flexible solutions according to your needs.
Modify your thinking to continually evaluate the import and potential ramifications of all situations. Have the courage to refuse to comply with anything that is not in the best interests of you, your family, and humanity. Be appropriately vocal regarding your non-compliance, so that others might be encouraged to do the same. These acts may seem small, but their impact is exponentially larger than you may anticipate.
Your body truly is your temple. It is important that you are physically up to the demands of living as freely as possible, so it may be time to reclaim your physical self. Determine a reasonable starting point for an exercise regimen and start. It may help you solidify your resolve if you can find a partner to join in, but is not required. As your physical health improves, your mental and emotional health will follow suit. Your doctor is either your servant or your enemy. Evaluate whether any routine medications you may be taking are truly necessary and whether they may be damaging you more than helping. Many of us have been unwittingly poisoned by prescription and intimidation. Ask questions and, if your health care provider cannot or will not provide them, continue asking or seek better health care. Only you can decide what is truly best for your health.
None of us will fare well on our own. The survival of our species has been greatly dependent on the cooperative and social nature hard wired into us. Forge healthy relationships with your neighbors. Introduce yourself to food producers at your local market. Initiate discussions with local law enforcement officials. We have been deceptively led to believe that the capabilities of large centralized or multinational or even global entities are superior to the resources of our own communities. What a load of garbage! Consider that, for most of the existence of the United States, the tremendous strength of our country was derived from self-reliant local communities. It is time for us to rediscover that strength.
Economists will often explain that money represents debt. Banks profit from the creation of debt in all of its forms (loans, credit cards, lines of credit, etc.). Minimize your financial footprint and diversify your financial portfolio across a spectrum of savings, investments, real estate, precious metals, and assorted other physical assets. Again, be wary of digital assets that can be most easily seized and/or weaponized against you.
Proceed forward with the assurance that you can only win by taking charge of your path. The global elite are hoping to deal with sheep, not clear sighted lions. This is not the first time this conflict has been fought and won by those on the side of light and good and we will triumph once again. You stand shoulder to shoulder with a massive army composed of people like you. Steel yourself for the battle and together we will forge a great victory.
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