This section is devoted to Dr. Rima's written responses to the accelerating barrage of government propaganda, outright lies, and skewed narratives. Let this be a reminder that everyone must "speak truth to power"!
Congratulations, America! You have a someone on the political scene with both balls and a brain, at least on the absurd and highly toxic "Gender" "issue". There is no issue since there are only two genders, determined solely by biology.
Now let's have Ramaswamy declare, correctly, that we must get out of the UN and WHO (along with the other subsidiary organizations) and he will be on the winning side of history and, if the machines permit, the election.
Mind you, I personally have never before offered my support or my enthusiasm to a Republican politician, but then, I remember when the basic stance of the Democratic party was not woke insanity (i.e., globalist insanity through instability at every level of reality) but a commitment to policies and practices that actually helped people.
Those days are long gone and, despite the "two party theater" that we call a political system in the US, if either RFKjr or Ramaswamy speak the truth and demonstrate that they are free of the toxic control and corruption that infects virtually all other politicians, then they are our guy.
Meanwhile, we must be our guy and force whomever it is who sits at the gate keeper's post (President, Prime Minister, etc.) to get our countries out of the UN and WHO or Agenda 2030/Great Reset will destroy human society and human beings from the DNA out. Visit to learn more and take action. Then share as if your life depends on it.
It does.
Congratulations for winning the scientific equivalent of the Darwin Award.
And I would like to suggest, Professor Pollock, that your grasp of the essential distinction between the principles of political dogma and the scientific method is clearly nonexistent. Now, in someone whose livelihood is, say, selling shoes or repairing watches, this distinction is not as critical as it is in an academic who not only conducts research to expand our understanding of the world, but presumably teaches.
You, Professor, are both a political moron ("celebrate queerness" in animals whom we have poisoned past the point of reproductive capacity), suggesting that we delight in having produced unprecedented ecological disaster, and a scientific imbecilic, injecting irrelevant dogmatic distortions into observation and rational modeling (also known as science).
I believe fiercely in free speech, so you should not, in my opinion, be censored. But you absolutely should not be paid by any institution, public or private, to pump out your drivel and never, ever allowed near a student.
It is hard to imagine science for hire (for example, immunology and virology) being plunged to new lows, by you, Professor Pollock, have done just that.
I believe you have missed the point, Tara. Patients should not, of course, do violence to health care workers. But their increased aggression and out of control behavior might, just might, express a deep and justified frustration and fear that despite having nowhere else to turn to health care because of our near-,monopolistic "health" care system when in need of care, they know that it was not the anti vaxxers who lied to them and put their lives at risk: it was the personnel whom they must seek care from now.
They were told to mask when the science, including some by Fauci. made it clear that it was a very, very poor idea and they were told to mask their children as well as themselves. They were lied to by "health" care providers when they were told that they should lock themselves away for 14 days to flatten a non-existent curve, and then told that there was a curve when, in fact, it was a PR trick.
They were injected with a novel and extremely dangerous biological in the assurance that it would prevent transmission (for which there was absolutely zero substantiation, that it was safe for them and their children, both born and unborn, for which there was negative substantiation.
Then when they became ill from the horrific after effects on their cardiovascular and immune systems, their neurology and their skin, their reproductive systems and their connective tissue, they were lied to again and told to take untested and dangerous boosters.
The public has every right to be rageful. The "health" care system, tragically misled by the public "health" system, lied. The public died. Their children died. Those who did not die suffered mis-diagnosed. often cataclysmic events.
Wouldn't you be likely to become enraged and perhaps lose control when forced to return for help to someone . and a system of someones who, in a position of trust, has betrayed that trust and may very well do so again?
Remdesevir, madazolam, ventilators, PCR deceit, denial of early treatment, pediatric Covid vaccinations, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: why would they trust us? Why should they.
The problem, Tara, is not the anti vaxxers because they told the truth. The problem is the anti health care system. We lied. They died.
Note: this system requires a declaration of conflict of interest. I have none. The "health" care system showed clearly that it does when it accepted bounty payments for diagnoses and treatment regimens. And you wonder why you are not trusted and why you are the source of break-through rage?
I hereby nominate you for the newly created Anthony Fauci award for dishonest, politically motivated pseudoscience and the subsequent feathering of one's own personal and professional nest.
True, Dr. Stefansson, you have some pretty stiff competition to contend with, but I have confidence in you. Dr. Hoetz is, however, out there, right along with you and Dr. Brix. Good luck, Champ. May the least honest scientist prevail and receive the recognition he or she deserves.
With this nomination, we can expect that the reliable and trustworthy Dr. Stefánsson will be deeply and duly concerned with the dangers to humanity, now suddenly apparent, from climate change and those who stand in opposition to totalitarian "climate change" measures, like those who stood in opposition to illogical, unscientific "pandemic" measures should be excluded from society, perhaps quarantined for life?
In terms of the eponymous verb for this kind of despicable scientism, Dr. Hoetz probably has the edge, though, because his name is a single, short syllable while yours is more complex. Of course, Dr. Brix is right up there in that running, too.
But we have faith in you, Dr. Stefansson, and even if you get edged out this year, we trust that your utterly unenviable track record of reliability, integrity and credibility abandoned and abused will stand you in good stead in your future endeavors.
Unless you like this kind of total control, the answer is very simple, very urgent and very clear: the US MUST exit WHO and the UN, the authors of this horrendous alteration of society and everything (and everyone) in it.
Doing so is remarkably simple once we express our political will peacefully and strongly. Find out more and join the crowd saying we WILL maintain our personal sovereignty and that of the US!
Visit and take action. Then share the link. It's vitally important if we are to stop this enslavement.
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